Image: Adrianna Holman, 'Herbal Collage' Natural Healing For Uterine Fibroids by Adrianna Holman RSHom BIOLOGISTS CAN EXPLAIN the scientific workings of the female hormonal system, the various chemical reactions, the menarche, the menopause; the functions have been categorized and made simple. However, many of the disturbances in the womb have no known cause. Fibroids remain a mystery, yet possibly 80 percent of women are affected by them. One in four will have severe enough symptoms to require urgent attention, of which removing the uterus is considered treatment. Over 30 percent of the hysterectomies performed are done to remove fibroids. According to the National Uterine Fibroids Foundation, 72 hysterectomies are carried out every hour in the US. Even though fibroids often shrink at menopause, a four-year study from NUFF found that 45 percent of American women over the age of 65 years had undergone a hysterectomy. Fibroids are noncancerous growths composed of fibrous tissue and muscle, occurring in the wall of the uterus. Fibroids mostly affect 30-40 year olds and are three times more likely in African-American women than those of other ethnic backgrounds. The symptoms can include very heavy periods, abdomen distension or an obvious mass, frequent urination, urinary infections, constipation, infertility and anaemia. Fibroids can grow inside or outside the uterus. Interior fibroids bring a heavier menstrual flow and pain, and the chief characteristic is an asymmetrically enlarged uterus. Exterior fibroids press on surrounding organs and cause bladder and bowel troubles. A diagnosis is done through physical exam or ultrasound. General treatment from the orthodox side is to give progesterone, painkillers or surgery, either a myomectomy or hysterectomy. A myomectomy removes the fibroids only, is technically difficult, weakens the uterus and is no guarantee the fibroids won't grow back. Doctors generally prefer to remove the uterus completely, which may produce its own set of future complications. There are many homeopathic and herbal remedies that can help fibroids. The remedies suggested here are used to help heavy bleeding resulting from fibroids, called menorrhagia, which is one of the more harmful effects of fibroids. There is no hierarchy for the remedies I have suggested; the one that sounds most like you is the one to try first. In addition to self-prescribing here, I recommend you find a qualified practitioner to work with you. Fibroids are out of the typical range of first aid complaints and deeper treatment may be necessary to get to the root of the problem. However, this is an excellent place to start. You will be taking proactive steps to strengthen and heal this valuable organ, known as the Second Heart in Chinese medicine. I suggest you buy the homeopathic remedies in 6c strength and take one pill three times a day to start. As your symptoms improve, cut down to twice a day, then once a day. Make sure to continue to monitor your condition with your doctor, and ask for further testing in a couple of months to see if the size of the fibroids has reduced or, preferably, disappeared. If you are anaemic, consider taking Floradix + Herbs from Salus Haus, which is an easily assimilated liquid iron supplement. This will support you while you work on the fibroids. Take as directed on the label. THE REMEDIES Phosphorus (phosphorus): Haemorrhaging of bright red, gushing blood. No tendency to coagulate, meaning no clots. There can be a lot of fear, sensitivity and a great desire for ice cold drinks. The person may feel worse lying on her back or left side, may be prone to hypoglycaemia (missing a meal leads to headache, dizziness, irritability, fainting), have burning pains and feel better after having a nap. Ustilago (corn smut): The haemorrhage can look like Phosphorus, with active, gushing, bright red bleeding. There can also be passive, clotted, stringy bleeding. More likely, the bleeding of Ustilago will be dark, slow, congested with clots yet watery. Great depression is common, as is irritability. There is a feeling of excessive tiredness and she could experience the sensation of boiling water along the back. The patient will be worse for motion and touch. Sabina (savine): Uterine haemorrhage gushes hot, watery, bright blood mixed with dark clots. Uterine pains are severe and extend into the thighs, pain can move from the sacrum to the pubis (pubic bone), and there can also be shooting pain up the vagina. The patient will be worse from the least movement or heat and will want to lie still in the cool, open air. Pains can pulsate, like labour pains, as if the pelvic bones would break open. There may also be an increase in sexual desire during the haemorrhage. Thlaspi bursa pastoris (shepherd's purse): Uterine bleeding with violent uterine colic, which is worse for rising. Cramping and clotting, the blood is dark and the woman barely gets over one period before another starts. Before and after the period, there may be discharge which is bloody, dark and offensive, leaving indelible stains. There can be sediment in the urine, looking like brick dust. The cramping pain in the stomach can also affect the toes and sexual desire may be increased. Calcarea carbonica (carbonate of lime): Usually the bleeding is too early, too profuse, and too long. The cycles just seem to blur together rather than having a marked menstrual period. A person needing this remedy may feel overworked and exhausted, worrying about responsibilities and duties. There can be fear and apprehension. The feet can feel cold and wet; there can be profuse perspiration at night while sleeping, especially around the head and neck and also a sour taste in the mouth. Hydrastis (golden seal): This person may be forgetful, spiteful, and constantly disappointed; she may have a poor self-image. There is a hot watery discharge; the vagina is sore during sex, with bleeding afterwards. This remedy is especially useful for fibroid tumours at menopause. There may also be a thick, yellow, ropy discharge, with increased mucous secretions in the vagina as well as the sinuses. Can be indicative of a precancerous state with erosion of the cervix. Hamamelis (witch-hazel or alder): This remedy is typically used when there are complaints with the veins, so expect to see uterine bleeding with other symptoms of varicose veins or haemorrhoids. The blood is profuse, dark and has a marked soreness of the abdomen but more importantly, a sensation of a bearing down pains in the back, as if it would break. There is great exhaustion, which is out of proportion to the amount of blood lost.++ ***** References Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology (1998) Roger Morrison, M.D. Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints (1996) Robert H. Seller M.D. Homeopathic Medical Repertory (1996) Robin Murphy, N.D. Lotus Materia Medica (1995) Robin Murphy, N.D. National Uterine Fibroid Foundation Prescription for Nutritional Healing (2000) Phyllis A. Balch C.N.C, James F. Balch M.D. Prisma, The Arcana of Materia Medica Illuminated (2002) Frans Vermeulen The Manual of Conventional Medicine for Alternative Practitioners (1994) Stephen Gasgoingne M.B., Ch.B., C.Ac., Dip. C.H.M. The Merck Manual of Medical Information (1997) Beers, Mark; Merck Research Laboratories Adrianna Holman is a Registered Homeopath in England. For more information, or to contact Adrianna, please see her website, Return to Options to Hysterectomy Index  Space graphic above from the Rosette Nebula in Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Sulfur. Credit: T. A. Rector, B. Wolpa, M. Hanna. | |