Articles Archive 2001-2003
October 2003 | Libra
Above: "Eclipse" by Via Keller | Studio Psycherotica
Articles Editor - Tracy Delaney
Design & Programming - Jordan Laughlin
Editorial Assistant - Chelsea Bottinelli
Publisher & Editor - Eric Francis
Thanks to our past articles editors - Jeanne, Jenny and Steve.
Options to Hysterectomy
Planet Waves Weekly
October Horoscope | Eric Francis
Planet Waves for Autumn 2003 | Eric Francis
My Journey to Forgiveness | Jenny Singer
A Non-Jealous Man on Jealousy | Interview with Clay Landacre
The Libra Story - Our House | Elle McKenzie
The Party | Cassia Landacre
Genexhibitionist | Maya Dexter
Long Forgotten Cover Highlights
2003 Annual Horoscope & Essays
The Pisces Point
His Majesty's Horoscope
Review by Eric Francis from the Annual Edition
A Belated Farewell to Joe Strummer
By Constance Perenyi
Increase Stress Naturally!
Workshop Offerings
Were It So
From the Lunatic Fringe Dept.
Septembter 2003 | Virgo
Healing Through Choice | Cassia Landacre
Over the Years and Miles:
Distance Healing | Elle McKenzie
A Simple Holistic First Aid Kit
Jennifer Wilks Christian, Cassia Landacre,
Elle McKenzie and Tracy Delaney
Independence Day - 1997 | Elle McKenzie
Child Immunization | Jennifer Wilks Christian & Tracy Delaney
The Alexander Technique | Rebecca Poole
Chiron & Worlds Beyond Neptune | Eric Francis
Your Own Celebrations of Autumn | Link
The Virgo Story | Elle McKenzie
Comes Naturally | David Steinberg
Genexhibitionist | Maya Dexter
Wanderlust | Giovanna
Humanaissance | Steven Lance
August 2003 | Leo
The Drama of Drama | Rebecca Poole
Duende | Elle McKenzie
Prenatal Exposures and Disease | Rachel
Everyday Monogamy | Tracy Delaney
Lucille's Room Monologue | Giovanna Coppola
Comes Naturally | David Steinberg
When One Man Dies | Jeanne Treadway
Personal Drama | Cassia Landacre
Stand By Your Sam | Rosa Hunter
David Kelly: Name and Shame | Elle McKenzie
Dr Kelly on Television | Tracy Delaney
The Case of the Occultation
The astrology of Dr. Kelly by Eric Francis
August Horoscope | Eric Francis
July 2003 | Cancer
Options to Hysterectomy
Can Corporations Be Held Accountable? | Richard Grossman
Baby Boy | A.K.Abbruzzi
The Limits of Dissent | Stephen Bergstein
When The Full Moon Was In Aquarius | Susan Madrak
Sick Policy Versus Sick People | Steven L. Fornal
Constitutional Repression | Stephen Bergstein
Sluts Unite | David Steinberg
The Politics of Consciousness | Jennifer Wilks Christian
World Citizens' Declaration of Independence | Steven L. Fornal
July Horoscope | Eric Francis
June 2003 | Gemini
Her | Jeanne Treadway
Can Corporations be Accountable? | Richard Grossman
Just Say No | Adrianna Holman
Altered States | Susan Madrak
What does it mean to believe in something?
Ray Loring Johnson
Boiling the Sky | Steven L. Fornal
Red Cedar | A.K. Abbruzzi
Your Own Celebrations of Summer | Link
The War Against Eve | Lise LePage
Wanderlust | Giovanna Coppola
Genexhibitionist | Maya Dexter
June Horoscope | Eric Francis
May 2003 | Taurus
Wanderlust | Giovanna Coppola
Somethin's Happenin' Here | Jeanne Treadway
Hide and Seek at Grandma's | Alison Abbruzzi
Elemental Child | Denice Taylor
Mainstream Extremists | Peter Montague
Life to Hold on to While Death is Passing | David Steinberg
Mother Goddess | Link
Nessus: Underworld Messenger | Denice Taylor
Staphysagria | Adrianna Holman
War: Perfect As Is | Diana Hay
The Why Of War | Steven L. Fornal
Aries 2003
April Horoscope
Your Own Celebrations of Spring | Link
Ethan | Rebecca Poole
Fertile Soil | By Steven Wayne Spencer
A Hunting He Will Go | Steven Lance
The History of Magic and Kings | Jennifer Singer
A New Messiah? | Lise LePage
Union of Opposites | Jennifer Wilks Christian
Wanderlust | Giovanna Coppola
Pisces 2003
US Diplomat's Letter of Resignation
March 2003 Horoscope
New Planet Waves Essays by Eric
Columbia, the Peace Movement and more
Ash Wednesday | Susan Madrak
Death and the Moon | Elle McKenzie
The Death Card | Kathy Garner
To the End | Lise
In Defense of Family Values | Steven Lance
The Force | Andie Holman
The Gate | Lorin Vincent
Karma and Reincarnation | Jennifer Singer
Divine Right of Kings | Jennifer Wilks Christian
The Magic of Millions | Lise
Death & the Underworld | Kathy Garner
Star Talk | By Denice Taylor
Wanderlust | Giovanna Coppola
Aquarius 2003
Star Talk | Denice Taylor
Why Are Relationships So Difficult? | By Link
The Experience of Having | By Jenny Singer
What is Love? | By Kathy Garner
Mugic | By Steve Lance
Silent Orgasm | By Jennifer Wilks Christian
Staring Down the Mirror | By Maya Dexter
For Sudie | By Andie Holman
Wander Lust | By Giovanna Coppola
Febuary 2003 Horoscope
2003 Annual Edition
Site Index
Contact Us
Planet Waves Home
January 2003 - Epiphanies
This Issue is on Hiatus again for technical difficulties!
December 2002 - The Cosmic Child
Introduction | Jeanne Treadway
Conception | Jennifer Wilks Christian
Images and Truths | Pam Purdy
Madonna with a Long Neck | Rebecca Poole
Did Your Mother Come, Too? | Planet Waves Staff
The Reason for the Season | Genexhibitionist by Maya Dexter
My Sacred Children | Paula Grossman
Star Talk | Denice Taylor
One Virgin Clapping | Tracy Delaney
Wander Lust | Giovanna Coppola
The Calling | Fiction by Steven Lance
The Sagittarius Eclipse | Planet Waves Essay
A Plausible Throry of Love | Planet Waves Essay
Oh, Two - The Year in Review Horoscope
Old Weekly Archive
November 2002 - The Sacred Whore
Introduction | By Jeanne Treadway
The Whore in Context | By Eric Francis
I Am a Sacred Whore | By Jenny Singer
Wander Lust | By Giovanna Coppola
Maggie Mae | By Jeanne Treadway
Aspects of My Sex | By Maya Dexter
A Whore by Any Name | By Denice Taylor
Turn, Turn, Turn | By Jenny Singer
Cosmic Child | Planet Waves Essay
Once Upon a Time in a Police State...
November Horoscope | By Eric Francis
Star Talk | By Denice Taylor
The Inside Story of Scorpio: A Reprint from Sexuality.org
For the Love of Money by Eric Francis
October 2002
Sky News
New Astrology Column
PCBs Volume 11
Iraq Facts
Once There Was a War
September 2002
I Was There | By the Planet Waves Staff
September Monthly Horoscope
Sept. 11, 1984 | By Eric Francis
West Denile Virus | By Maya Dexter
Wander Lust | By Giovanna Coppola
NineEleven Equals TwentyFourSeven Plus
SevenEleven | By Steven L. Fornal
Everyday Enlightenment | By Carol Burkhart
For the Faithful
News Links
US and UK Sell Chemical, Nuclear
& Biological Weapons to Iraq
Oddly, from The (Scotland) Sunday Herald
An Open Letter to America | The Observer (UK)
Bush Deploys Troops to West Nile!
Wake Up Call | The Guardian (UK)
The War Has Already Begun | The Telegraph (UK)
August 2002
Boston Globe Editorial on Operation TIPS
Weekly and Monthly | Horoscopes
From Then to Here | Planet Waves by Eric Francis
Part three of Born in the Sixties. (Parts one and two.)
Advertising & the End of the World | Sixties Sidebar
Chiron in Pisces | More on the Sixties
Part One | Part Two | By Peter Montague
Rachel's Health and Environment Weekly
The Anus & Bush
New & Brilliant from David Steinberg.
Moonfaces Excerpt | by Christopher Grosso
Maya Gets In Trouble at Work | Genexhibitionist
Amour Sauvage | by Don Sauvage
A Kink in the Karmic Kundalini | Fiction by Steven Lance
Updated Information About Eric's
Astrology Consultations